Canada Grocery Rebate Bill 2024 – Who Will be Receiving Grocery Rebate Payments in June 2024?

We are not able to do saving because prices for everything are going up, even food and petrol. The new Canada Grocery Rebate Bill may give you some rebate The Cost of Living Act, No. 3 (also known as Bill C-46), according to the Federal Government, has been approved for new initiatives to assist public health care and reduce inflation. In order to assist low income families in adjusting to Canada’s rising costs, 11 million Canadians may be Eligible for Canada Grocery Rebate Bill. A family of four with a net income of CAD 35,000 will receive the entire amount, while eligible single Canadians without children would receive CAD 234.

Canada Grocery Rebate Payment Amount 2024 amount may vary depending on who you live with. A single senior with a net income of CAD 20,000 will get CAD 233.50, in addition to the CAD 701 they earn this benefit year from the GST Credit. A single mother with one child and a net income of CAD 30,000 will receive CAD 386.50 in addition to the CAD 1,160 they receive via the GST Credit.

Canada Grocery Rebate Bill

The Grocery Rebate Bill (C-46) was passed by the Canadian government in response to the current state of the world economy and the rising prices of necessities. This act, which is a crucial part of the Cost of Living Act, aims to provide financial help to those in the low income groups. The all-inclusive legislation includes a variety of benefit programs designed to assist the general population in overcoming the present financial difficulties.

The Grocery Rebate Bill, which is specifically designed to help individuals facing financial difficulties and lessen the effects of rising inflation rates, is expected to have a significant influence. The Act offers a potential advantage of millions of eligible persons receiving rebates.

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Canada Grocery Rebate Bill News (C-46)- Details

Post TopicCanada Grocery Rebate Bill
Name of DepartmentCanada Revenue Agency
Bill NameBill (C-46)
Rebate AmountCheck Below
Eligibility Based onGST credit

Will Bill (C-46) Help or Make the Situation Worse?

The grocery rebate is offered at a time when food costs caused by inflation are still severely hurting Canadians’ ability to afford food. Year 2023 saw annual inflation drop to 3.4%, the lowest level in a long time but food prices are still rising, and far more quickly. In 2023, the cost of groceries increased by 9%. Cereal items (13.6%), bread goods (15%), and edible fats and oils (20.3%) had the biggest price increases, according to Statistics Canada. The cost of eating out is likewise getting more and more expensive; in May, it increased by 6.8% following a 6.4% increase in April.

Canada Grocery Rebate Bill 2024 - Who Will be Receiving Grocery Rebate Payments in June 2024?

Canada Grocery Rebate Bill Income limits

The Canada Grocery Rebate 2024 Payment is not available to you if your family income is higher than a specific threshold because it’s meant for LI households. The eligibility for the January 2023 GST/HST credit is based on the same restrictions here. In the event that your 2021 tax return is not yet submitted, you will not be qualified for the food rebate. The paperwork and information you need to begin filing your 2021 tax return are available from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).

Single personCAD 49,166
Single parent, one childCAD 55,286
Single parent, two childrenCAD 58,506
Single parent, three childrenCAD 61,726
Single parent, four childrenCAD 64,946
Married or CLP coupleCAD 52,066
Married/CLP, one childCAD 55,286
Married/CLP, two childrenCAD 58,506
Married/CLP, three childrenCAD 61,726
Married/CLP, four childrenCAD 64,946

Canada Grocery Rebate Bill- Eligibility

To get Canada Grocery Rebate Bill- Eligibility is simple. You must file a tax return for 2021 even if you had no income to report in order to be eligible for the Grocery Rebate, which is based on your 2021 tax return. Those who qualify for the GST/HST credit in January 2023 will receive the Grocery Rebate; this is known by looking at your tax return for 2021. Thus, you might still be eligible for the Grocery Rebate in July 2023 even if you were not eligible for the GST/HST credit. This is so that the July 2023 GST/HST credit was calculated using your 2022 tax return.

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How does the new grocery rebate in Canada works?

The Canada Grocery Rebate is a one-time boost to your pocket that was implemented on July 5, 2023, on side with the quarterly GST/HST credit payment for July 2023. (The GST/HST credit is a quarterly payment made by the government to assist individuals whose earnings are too low to cover the full cost of their GST or HST.) What is the grocery rebate worth? It’s double the amount of the GST/HST credit you were granted back in January 2023, up to a certain amount based on your marital status and the number of child you have:

Number of childrenMaximum amount for singleMaximum amount for married or have a CLP
No childrenCAD 234CAD 306
1 childCAD 387CAD 387
2 childrenCAD 467CAD 467
3 childrenCAD 548CAD 548
4 childrenCAD 628CAD 628

2 thoughts on “Canada Grocery Rebate Bill 2024 – Who Will be Receiving Grocery Rebate Payments in June 2024?”

  1. I live on 1,400.00 a month from cpp and olp. <y rent i s 12,300 a month. I have no money for groceriesafter i pay rent and utilities.
    I am in desperate hCan you please help me or send me in the right direction. My health is in tecondition as i am not able to buy food i need
    Thank you
    Judith Nolan

  2. I feel so bad for you and for all of us Canadians we all are going hungry but Mr Trudeau and Mr Ford don’t seem to care one bit they don’t go hungry or need.It makes me I’ll that our health is going down the tubes maybe that is what they want cause they sure aren’t doing nothing for us Canadians.So I hope they no they WON’T BE VOTED BACK IN SO I WILL SAY FAIR WELL TO MR TRUDEAU AND MR FORD.NOW.You sould feel ashamed for what you are doing to the people and children in Canada.


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